Me: "What happened?"
Camryn: "That's what I'm trying to tell you. There's baby powder all over my room!"
Me: "What!?"
Camryn: " Ainsley did it!"
At this point Ainsley comes up from the basement in dress up clothes. Not a hint of powder.
Me: "So if Ainsley did it and she was down stairs, why are you covered in powder?"
Camryn: "I fell in it."
Me: "Really?"
Camryn: (looking at me, herself and then Ainsley) "I fell a lot!"
you can see the now empty powder container in the background |
I get up stairs and there is baby powder billowing in the air in their room and big container is empty.
Me: "You want to tell me what really happened?"
Camryn: "Nope"
Me: "Camryn?"
Camryn: "Maybe I did this" (motioning turning the bottle upside down) "and then this" (motioning swinging the bottle around in a circle)
Well at least it's not Vaseline or Desitin.
Ainsley's off the hook too.