Monday, October 18, 2010

4 Kids?

So a friend questioned whether or not we actually had a 4th kid as there have been little to no photos or her.  We wanted to respect the privacy of our daughter and keep her anonymity, but to please the masses here are a few photos of the not so little new born. 

Evidence of the 4 kids

Chubby Bunny

Playing Rock Band with dad.  She's not screaming, she's singing!

In other kids news, Camryn is our dress up girl.  Apparently butterfly fairies can also double as handymen.


  1. The kids are darling, or handsome in Alex's case. I am in love with your girls' haircuts. I'm going to have to copy it.
    So sorry to hear that Aaron is leaving for a while. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you!

  2. I love the picture of Aaron playing rock band and holding a baby. That is something that would only ever happen with a 4th child. Sweet.

  3. Congrats on the new baby! You have such cute kids!! I'm prego with #4. How is it with 4 kiddies?! I'm a little nervous.

  4. Love the picture - especially with all of them together! You are amazing - 4 kids! I am not sure we are not that brave! You have cute kids too - makes it hard not to have more I guess! When is Alex getting baptized?

  5. She is my all time favorite chunky child, and that's saying a lot!

  6. She is so cute, so are the older ones. Hope 4 is treating you well!

  7. I love, love, love the profile picture. The girls look sooo cute. Thinking of you and sending my love. Book your ticket to come down my way. I would love to have you.

  8. Such cute pics! I love the one of all 4 of the kiddos! And oh my goodness-Aaron! What tremendously good balance you have! Quite amazing!
