Hooray to the end of 2012 and the beginning of January and Aaron coming home! I was never more glad to see a year end and a new January to begin. I mean really, who likes January?!?
Look how short that chain is!!
* Alex got tickets for the Harlem Globetrotters game for Christmas. We hit Fudruckers Burgers for a pre-game chow fest and then headed to the game. It was a blast!!
Homemade 'Jimer' jersey |

I'm going to brag with this next picture. I couldn't do one pull-up before Aaron left. Here I am doing a weighted one.
OK - brag over |
My friend Ann Mines got the great idea of getting some snow machines and taking a fun day in the snow. We ditched the kids at school and drove up through Lead/Deadwood and had some fun.
I had taken Alex out for a date, and even though it was part of his Christmas, I thought it fitting to also take the girls out before dad came home. Sydney and I went and got pedicures (of which I took no pictures) and then I took Camryn because she thought it sounded like so much fun. It was!
Nearing the end of every deployment we start planning out come home outfits. It's just a part of the process. For this deployment we constantly reminded ourselves that we were all on the same team; working together to make it to the end. Our homage to this teamwork was that we made jerseys for the homecoming. Thanks to Amanda Simpson (a fellow Tiger) for the graphic.
I like January.