Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cast: part 2

So as happens fairly frequently with young kids, the short arm cast slid off.  Trying to remove her coat was the problem.  I tried to put it back on right away, but Camryn ran away yelling "No!".  It didn't even last 24 hours. The newer version (applied by Dad) should stay put and has already been decorated.  She looks happy now, but it wasn't that way initially.


  1. uh oh, the elbow is stuck now! :-( I didn't know it was common for the wrist ones to slide off. Crazy. She sure is cute!

  2. Better luck this time. Does the old one fit Sydney? Love the cute flowers on it!

  3. She looks so happy. Super cute. Bet she is the most adorable little girl in a cast. Hope to see you guys soon.

  4. that must be her favorite skirt b/c it is the same one as in cast part 1. She has gotten so big and is super cute.
