Friday, December 3, 2010

One busy weekend

So not only are we getting ready for Aaron's up-coming deployment - we also had some important family events this weekend.  Alex was baptized and Ainsley was blessed in church.  Luckily we were able to combine both events into one weekend to have maximum family visit Rapid City during the winter.

I will have to say that I do feel old having a kid old enough to be baptized (the age of 8 at our church).  In one more year we will hit the halfway point of Alex being in our home until college.  Parenthood is going surprisingly fast.

Happy Birthday Alex!

Alex and dad

Ainsley's blessing day

Working on a smile


  1. Congratulations on these two special events. Ainsley is a doll and Alex looks so grown up! I'll be praying for you with Aaron leaving!

  2. Congratulations! I so wish we could have had these two together for their baptisms - has it been 8 years since we had these babies! Ainsley is adorable and so Petersen! We love you and miss you guys even after all these years away!

  3. Congrats, etc, etc...Now on the important stuff...You look fantastic!

  4. Your pictures are great! We are so happy for Alex and Ainsley. Carolyn-you look great with flowers coming off your head-you should make a hat like that ;) JK, in all seriusness you do look fantastic!

  5. Carolyn. You seriously look beautiful in that picture of you, Aaron, and Ainsley!!
