Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Vacation: Kansas Style - 693.39 miles

So our summer vacation is only half over and already the kids and I have traveled 3830 miles (by van).   Since we have been all over doing and seeing different sights, I am attempting to do separate blog posts for each "vacation".

Aaron recently started the Flight Medicine training and was sent to Texas for his first two weeks of class.  Since I was on my own I decided that now was as good a time as any to go visit my brother Scott and his family in Topeka, Kansas.

There are a few things to know about Kansas before you go to visit:
1.  Kansas has humidity and if you are pregnant and haven't been in humidity in about 4 years (since Ohio) you are going to sweat... A LOT!  Your kids will also complain that they are"hotter and hotter and hotter than ever!"
2.  Kansas has no regulations concerning the 4th of July.  Anything and everything is legal right there outside your front door so long as you are exploding your fireworks during the approved days (this year June 27 - July 5)
  3.  Kansas gets a bad rap about being boring  BUT there was a ton to do and it was gorgeous!  We were there a week and literally ran out of time before we got to everything

    Here's a peek at what Kansas had to offer the Petersen Family:
    Sydney playing with the puppies at the libraries bookmobile
    Camryn at Shawnee Lake park
    Sydney at the Topeka Zoo - she almost got bit on this one
    Camryn and cousin Skyler fighting over the Bear Chair.  Gotta love 2 1/2  - 3 year olds!  I mostly picked this picture so you can see how hot Cammer was! 
    Sitting in "school" at the Deanna Rose Farmstead in KC, KS.  Although we did end up in KC, MO by accident on the way home.
    Alex riding the tractor track at Deanna Rose Farmstead in KC
    This is the other side of Shawnee Lake.  They've built a beach with water slides, sprinklers, and basketball hoops.  
    Alex, Sydney and Cam with cousins Skyler and Carson.


    1. Who knew there was so much to do in KS? Your kids are growing up and are so darling. That picture of Camryn by the lake needs to be framed! I love it.

    2. That's a lot of adventure for a Mom who is very pregnant and on her own! The "beach" looks very awesome and I agree with Kate about the picture of Camryn - definitely a keeper!

    3. Sounds like a nice place to visit, just not in the summer! I love all of Alex's BYU apparel in his pictures. Hope you are doing well with your pregnancy. Do you know what you are having?

    4. Just wanted to report that I caught up on your blog!
